To give or not to give!? (Part 2)
Last year my wife and I decided to buy a new sofa and replace our ten-years-old futon. In good american spirit we decided to donate the old futon to charity. The futon was in really good shape, we just wanted to replace it because we were trying to vhange the look of our apartment from "students living here" to "adults living here". The Salvation Army was our choice for the give-away. We planned everything, the people from the Salvation Army (pfSA) would come and get our futon a day or so before the new sofa had to be delivered. We felt very good about it because we are not into throwing things away but rather have someone else re-use them. Well, we had NO IDEA what was about to happen. To make a long story short, the pfSA did not take the futon because it had an old coffe stain on it. WHAT??? Are the needy people really in need in this country or not? If you can refuse to get a free futon because of an old coffee stain then you are NOT in need in my books. I, as a student, would have not blinked in accepting for free a used futon with a stain on it. Are you guys serious? The pfSA should have rushed at home, got the futon, kissed us all over and left.
If you say "no" to a free futon because of an old stain you are NOT in need. Should poor people get used and perhaps not-so-new things just because they are poor? YEEEESSSS!!! They should! That's the whole point of being poor: you cannot afford to buy things and have to rely on whatever people are willing to give you. If you are really hungry you will eat anything that is offered to you and will not say "ooohhh no I do not like olives, take it back!".
The very sad thing is that I am sure a poor person would have been very happy to get our used futon, but not the pfSA apparently. Furthermore, I am sure I could have sold it on Ebay for a few bucks and so could have they. Is the Salvation Army doing the best for the poors? not want a free futon with a coffee stain on it? Go find a JOB!
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